The purpose and significance of maintenance and upkeep
Regular inspection of the bottle blowing machine can reduce equipment wear, reduce downtime, improve equipment integrity and utilization, avoid accidents, and extend equipment service life. This includes replacing some worn parts, adjusting fasteners and lubricating oil, and compensating for equipment wear in advance.
The daily inspection content of the bottle blowing machine is as follows:
一、The surface of the guide rail is visibly lubricated, without dryness or water stains
二、The lubricating oil circuit of the guide rail slider is smooth, and the overflow part should be cleaned in a timely manner.
三、The surface of the electronic ruler and electric eye should be free of oil stains.
四、The movement and closing of the mold and the head up movement of the machine are smooth and without any abnormal noise
五、 The sound of the motor and oil pump is normal without any abnormal noise
六、The action of the closing cutter is normal, check if the guide pillar and guide sleeve are worn

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