Talent promotes enterprise development and cultural strength

Akei Holdings Company focuses on caring for employees, and employees are responsible for safeguarding the company's interests!

Dr. Tan Bingli, the chairman of the group, believes that only when employees are physically and mentally healthy can they unleash their personal potential and teamwork.

Akei Holdings Company  has excellent working conditions and a comfortable living environment. The group attaches great importance to training blow molding technical talents, strengthening practical expertise, improving market efficiency, and motivating all employees to contribute to the blow molding industry.

Talent promotes enterprise development and cultural strength
Corporate Purpose

Corporate Purpose

To customers: create high-quality products and provide professional solutions
For employees: Touching with love, striving to learn and grow together
To society: brands make us more respected and businesses more respected

Core Values

Core Values

Love society, love business, love products, love customers, love colleagues, love family.
Akei Holdings Company focuses on caring for employees, and employees are responsible for safeguarding the company's interests!

Gene of culture

Gene of culture

Establish a business first, establish a quality, and never forget your original intention

AKEI Spirit

AKEI Spirit

Innovation, vitality, wisdom, and maturity

Enthusiastic public welfare and common progress


Enthusiastic public welfare and common progress

The group is enthusiastic about public welfare, supports the sports industry, and organizes all employees to successfully hold the first and second "Akei Cup" Chinese Women's Volleyball and Kaiping Akei Men's Volleyball Tournaments, achieving gratifying results. At the same time, the Group also invested a lot of resources to set up karaoke dance halls, cinemas, Basketball court, volleyball courts, table tennis courts, tennis courts, swimming pools, billiard rooms, nursing rooms, libraries and other recreational facilities for employees to enjoy, to improve the quality of life and culture of employees, so that employees have a sense of belonging, look at the factory as home, make common progress and share results.